How's Your Back Feeling?
Let's talk about your back...
Why do you think your back is always sore?
What can you do to help with your back pain?
Is it constant and control your life?
Is it your lower back? Your neck? Your tailbone?
Back pain can be simple for us, we can work through your bladder and kidneys and woo hoo it's all good! Why? Your bladder is linked to a lot of muscles through your pelvis and vertebrates in your lower back. We have a muscle called our erector spinae that runs the length of our spine that will weaken when our bladder is not working efficiently. It's called the "stooped affect", when you hunch over and cannot stand tall no matter how hard you try! Your posture struggles and you often feel tight and full of tension.
Let's talk about your kidneys... things that us practitioners are thinking are; how much water are you drinking? Are you retaining too much water? Are your kidneys working optimally together? Kidneys are a common weakness when working through pain and inflammation. Why? The water retention can encourage inflammation in areas where it is not required, then creating random niggles and pain throughout the body. In terms of what the kidneys relate to, we are looking at a series of joint and muscle controls. Most importantly the PSOAS muscle. This comes from the groin / inner thigh and comes into your diaphragm. A weakness to the kidneys directly affects this muscle and in turn your breathing patterns, your posture, your hips, your pelvis, your lower back and ribs. Talk about big issues from two little organs!
But if it's not the bladder or Kidneys then what is it? Old traumas. I'm talking ones from last week, or 50 years ago! These traumas can be as simple as a bump, or a fall; or as extreme as being in a car accident or breaking a bone. Any one of these can cause tension, compensation and on-going inflammation to the spinal column. From the spinal column we have nerves and a series of communication networks. So the nerves can cause joint issues, nerve pain, whole limb weakness and connective tissue issues. In terms of those communication networks, the old trauma can begin to affect organ control and the muscles around organs. Sheesh, complicated!
So how do we work on trauma? How do we know it's because of trauma? For your body to be able to heal 100% the brain needs to be aware of the trauma in the first place. This is an easy fix, let the brain reconnect to the trauma to begin healing. It all becomes harder when the trauma was years ago, and there is then a series of compensations throughout the body. You know, when all of a sudden your good knee becomes your bad one.
Anything that takes longer than 6 - 12 weeks to heal can be because the brain is not aware of the injury, or the entire injury! So once we can reconnect the brain and body through the traumas, you can heal! But yes, unfortunately this means another 6 week process to bring the body back to optimal functioning.
Now, it's when we discuss issues like this that I am personally glad for the way we work. Why? Not only can we reconnect the brain and body but we can tell you what the underlying cause is! No more why's or pain!