Contracting with Neuro Touch

Neuro Touch Limited

“Our ambition is to build an inspirational adventure for you to live your best life”

Contractor Agreement


Neuro Touch Limited and Neuro Tools Limited (the Principal)


XXXX (the Contract Practitioner)



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1. Definitions

Principal – Neuro Touch Limited and Neuro Tools Limited

Contract Practitioner – XXXX

Agreement – the terms and conditions contained in this agreement

Services – all services set out in Schedule A annexed to this agreement

Specific Terms – the terms set out in Schedule B annexed to this agreement

Commencement Date – Date OR the date of this agreement

2. Parties

The parties to this agreement are the Principal and the Contracting Practitioner.

3. The Background

a) The Principal wishes to engage the Contracting Practitioner to carry out the Services.

b) The Specific Terms of the Agreement are set out in Schedule B. The Specific Terms form part of the

operative part of the Agreement.

c) The general terms of the Agreement are set out below.

d) Any amendments to the Agreement must be recorded in writing and signed by the parties.



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4. Term of Agreement

a) The Agreement is effective upon the signing of the Agreement by the parties OR from the

Commencement Date.

b) The parties agree to review the Agreement six (6) months after the Commencement Date to ensure that the

parties are satisfied with the terms of the Agreement. The parties agree to review the Agreement bi-

annually, no later than every six months after the Commencement Date.

c) The Agreement shall continue until terminated in accordance with clause nine (9) of the Agreement.

5. Status of Contractor

a) The Contracting Practitioner is an independent contractor. Nothing herein contained or implied shall create

the relationship of employer and employee between the Principal and the Contracting Practitioner.

b) The Contracting Practitioner acknowledges that she/he does not receive any benefit of any insurance

policies of the Principal.

c) Nothing in the Agreement gives the Contracting Practitioner an exclusive right to undertake the Services.

d) The Contracting Practitioner does not have authority to pledge credit or make representations or incur

liabilities on behalf of the Principal.

6. Contracting Practitioner’s Responsibilities

The Contracting Practitioner during the term of the Agreement must:

a) undertake the Services set out in Schedule A, in a timely and professional manner, with the skill, care and

diligence required of a health professional.



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b) not delegate or assign or subcontract the Services to any other persons, without first obtaining the written

consent of the Principal.

c) carry out Services with the Contracting Practitioner and other subcontractors of the Principal in a competent

and professional manner and comply with reasonable instructions of the Principal in relation to performance

of the services.

d) rectify all omissions and error in the provision of Services caused by the Contracting Practitioner at no cost to

the Principal.

e) advise the Principal promptly in writing:

i. of any changes, problems, significant risks or significant issues which materially reduce or affect, or are

likely to materially reduce or affect the Contracting Practitioner’s ability to undertake the Services, and/or

ii. if the Contracting Practitioner materially fails to comply with any of his/her obligations under the

Agreement; and/or

iii. of any serious complaints or disputes which directly or indirectly relate to the Contracting Practitioner’s

obligations under the Agreement.

f) must familiarise themself with and comply with the Health and Safety Policies and Procedures of the Principal

which relate to the Contracting Practitioner’s obligations under this Agreement. These can be found in the

‘Resources’ section of the Agreement.

g) not commit or omit any act which jeopardises or otherwise adversely affects the reputation of the Principal or

the Neuro Touch brand.

h) comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements in relation to the Public Health Response

(Vaccinations) Order 2021 and any variations/amendments to that order. Further information is provided

under ‘Resources’ annexed to this Agreement.

i) comply with all statutory and regulatory requirements and codes in relation to the completion of all Services

under the Agreement and any other applicable legislation, in particular the Health and Safety at Work Act




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j) the required availability of the Contracting Practitioner is set out in Schedule B, with accordance to the


i. Provide the Principal with no less than 3 weeks’ notice if Contracting Practitioner anticipates that he/she

will be unavailable to undertake the Services for a period greater than two weeks.

ii. Provide the Principal with 3 weeks written notice if the Contracting Practitioner intends to change the

hours set in Schedule B.

k) ensure that they are solely responsible for the payment of all taxes including any GST payable to the

Services, ACC levies, business/income and other insurances, and/or any payments or levies for the which the

Contracting Practitioner may be liable.

l) indemnify the Principal against any losses, debts, taxes, fines, penalties or damages that become payable as

a result of the Contracting Practitioner’s breach of the Agreement and/or failure to comply with any statute,

regulation or legal requirement.

m) ensure any equipment or other property/belongings brought to the worksite are returned at the end of the

Services and/or Agreement; including testing kits, posters, resources and physical training guides provided

by the Principal.

n) both the Contracting Practitioner and Principal agree that the Principal has no responsibility or liability for

meeting any additional payments over and above the payments set in Schedule B.

o) must ensure that the terms and conditions of Neuro Touch treatment contract is read and agreed to by each

new client, prior to the clients first appointment or on date of first appointment. See ‘Resources’ for more


p) shall remedy any errors, omissions, defects or faults in the provision of the Services of which the Principal has

notified the Contracting Practitioner in writing during the term of the Agreement. The Contracting

Practitioner must carry out the requested remedy within a reasonable timeframe to avoid unnecessary

inconvenience to the Principal.

q) shall not carry out services from any other sources, which would in any way impair or affect the Contracting

Practitioner’s ability to perform the Services of this Agreement and comply with the terms of this Agreement.



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r) shall provide the Services in a timely and efficient manner and in accordance with any agreed timetable and/

or practice hours set out in Schedule B or as agreed in writing by the parties (time and availability being of

the essence). The Contracting Practitioner will notify the Principal as soon as possible should the Contracting

Practitioner become or be made aware of any delay in providing the Services and shall take all necessary

action to reduce the impact of any delay on the Principal.

s) make purchases under Neuro Touch Wholesale Schedule with 10 days’ notice for arrival of products, if


7. Principal’s Responsibilities

a) The Principal will pay the Contracting Practitioner the rates set out in Schedule B for the Services.

b) The parties agree that the payments set out in Schedule B are all inclusive, and the Principal holds no

responsibility or liability for meeting any additional payments over and above the agreed payments set out in

Schedule B.

c) If matters beyond the control of the Contracting Practitioner delay the completion of any part of the Services,

or the Contracting Practitioner requires additional or different services, or the Services to be varied, the

Contracting Practitioner will inform the Principal without delay. The parties will discuss and agree on a

suitable solution.

d) Principal will provide products when purchased and as required by the Contracting Practitioner within 10

days of order confirmation and/or request.

e) The Principal may withhold payment of any invoice or deduct from any invoice such amount as the Principal

thinks fit, notwithstanding Clause 7 of the Agreement, if the Contracting Practitioner:

i. Does not perform the Services in accordance with Neuro Touch’s Values Principle’s or which could

jeopardise any client; or

ii. Does not provide any report as required in accordance with the Neuro Touch’s Values Principle’s; or

iii. Breaches any provision of the Agreement.



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the Principal shall inform the Contracting Practitioner of any information received which is relevant and pertinent

to the expectations of the Services undertaken by the Contracting Practitioner.

8. Payment to the Practitioner

a) Payment for the Services and any other approved disbursements shall be made in accordance with this

clause 8 and in accordance with Schedule B.

b) On the 1st of each month, the Contracting Practitioner will provide the Principal with an invoice setting out

the details of the Services provided during the course of the month prior. All invoices provided must:

i. comply with the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985; in particular, each invoice must

contain the Contracting Practitioner’s full name, contact details and IRD or GST number.

ii. supported by detailed time logs and description of Services performed in the format

and within the timeframe set out in Schedule Two.

c) The Principal will pay to the Contracting Practitioner on the 20th of the month following receipt of each

invoice. The Principal reserves the right to withhold payment, in full or in part, of any invoice which does not

comply with cl 8(b).

d) If, the Principal disputes any item or part of an item in an invoice submitted by the Contracting Practitioner,

the Principal must provide prompt notice in writing to the Contracting Practitioner, setting out reasons for

disputing any part of an invoice and the Principal will not delay payment on the undisputed portion of any

invoice. Any such dispute will be handled in accordance with the Dispute Resolution Section of this


e) Except as specifically set out in Schedule B, the Principal is not liable to pay expenses, disbursements,

wages, salaries, bonuses, sick pay, holiday pay, statutory holiday pay, accident compensation levies, tax or

other levies, redundancy payments, or other items of remuneration or taxation incurred or payable by the

Contracting Practitioner.



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f) The Contracting Practitioner shall not demand, claim or accept any fee, gratuity, commission or benefit from

any person or persons other than the Principal in payment for any matter or thing concerned with this

Agreement, except where expressly agreed by the Principal, or otherwise stated in this Agreement.

g) The Contracting Practitioner should include payments made for products as per Commission Schedule of

10% for essential oils, supplements and courses purchased by clients, and 25% on crystals purchased in their

respective invoice.

9. Termination of Agreement

a) Either party may terminate this Agreement by providing, in writing, six (6) weeks written notice of


b) Should the Contracting Practitioner terminate this Agreement within eighteen (18) months of the

Commencement Date, the Contracting Practitioner agrees to pay to the Principal the sum of $8,000.00 upon

termination of the Agreement. The sum of $8,000.00 is agreed to be fair compensation to the Principal f

administration time, marketing costs, marketing materials, clinic set up, training time and other expenses that

may have been acquired by the Principal during the Contracting Practitioners training period.

c) The Principal may terminate this Agreement by providing the Contracting Practitioner with five (5) days

written notice if:

i. the Services are no longer required;

ii. the Contracting Practitioner has not performed the Services expeditiously and with all reasonable care,

skill and diligence required of a health professional;

iii. the Contracting Practitioner breaches any term of the Agreement;

iv. the Contracting Practitioner fails or is unable to perform the Services;

v. the Contracting Practitioner does not comply with the agreed availability;

vi. the Contracting Practitioner is negligent in the performance of the Services, and if asked to rectify the

negligence, does not do so within the timeframe specified by the Principal in writing.

vii.the Contracting Practitioner commits any act or is subject to any proceeding, which, in the Principal’s

reasonable opinion, has brought or may bring the Principal into disrepute;

viii.the Contracting Practitioner is subject to any form of solvency administration including bankruptcy,

receivership or liquidation; or



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ix. the Contracting Practitioner fails to pay any taxes or levies in accordance with this Agreement in full and

on time or is the subject of any investigation or proceeding undertaken by the Inland Revenue


(d) The Contracting Practitioner may terminate the Agreement if the Principal has breached any of the terms of

the Agreement and fails to remedy the breach to the reasonable satisfaction of the Contracting Practitioner.

The Contracting Practitioner must provide notice in writing to the Principal of the claimed breach within

seven (7) days of becoming aware of the breach. If the Principal has not remedied the breach to the

reasonable satisfaction of the Contracting Practitioner within fourteen (14) days of being provided written

notice, then the Agreement may be terminated by the Contracting Practitioner. The Contracting Practitioner

must provide written notice to the Principal that the Agreement is terminated in accordance with this clause.

10. Confidentiality

During the term of this Agreement and after its termination, however the termination is brought about:

a) The Contracting Practitioner acknowledges that any Services and intellectual property created or arising

during the term of this contract is and shall remain the exclusive property of the Principal. The Principal shall

be entitled to any copyright, merchandising, or other proprietary rights in or arising from such Services.

b) Upon request, the Contracting Practitioner will deliver to the Principal, all Principal property and all

documents, records or papers in the Contracting Practitioner’s possession or under the Contracting

Practitioner’s control, including any copies or electronic versions, which relate in any way to the business or

affairs of the Principal.

c) Any Services created by or on behalf of the Principal in the course of providing the Services shall remain the

property of the Principal.

a) The Contracting Practitioner shall not, other than is necessary in the course of undertaking the Services,

disclose any confidential information to any person without first obtaining the written approval of the


b) The Contracting Practitioner shall not use, or attempt to use their personal knowledge of confidential

information for their personal or professional benefit.



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c) The Contracting Practitioner shall ensure that all client information and records will be secure at all times (in

transit and storage), and that the storage and destruction of all client Information shall be in accordance with

the requirements of the Privacy Act 1993. This pertains to both written documentation and also electronic


d) See ‘Resources’ for client Privacy Policy.

e) For the purpose of this clause the term “Confidential Information” includes the following:

Any information relating to the business, technical or financial affairs of the Principal, other than information

which is not in the public domain and shall include but not be limited to any trade secrets, specialised know-

how, formulae, agreements, customer lists, customer requirements, financial information, accounts or reports

or technical information.

a) For the purpose of this clause the term “Client Information” includes the following:

Any information relating to the client and the client’s family including names, address, contact details and any

information related to the receipt of Services by the client from the Principal.

b) To avoid doubt, the obligations in this clause will continue to apply after the term of this Agreement, and

regardless of any dispute.

11. Confidential Information

Confidential Information means:

a) any information, whether verbal, written or otherwise including documents, plans, sketches, drawings,

software, software code, marketing strategies, market research data, training materials, trade secrets,

processes, technical information, know-how, projections, inventions, client lists, techniques, methodologies,

correspondence, writing, analysis, compilations, studies and/or financial and business records and information,

including copies thereof, which relates to the Principal, and which is marked or stated to be confidential, or by

its nature is reasonably intended to be confidential.

b) information pertaining to any employee of the Principal which is to be protected from disclosure under the

Privacy Act 2020.

c) The Principal’s Intellectual Property, and any copies thereof;



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but does not include such information which:

was already known to the Contracting Practitioner from an independent source on the date of its receipt from

the Principal;

was in the public domain on the date of its receipt from the Principal; or

had entered the public domain after the date of its receipt from the Principal other than by unauthorised


Intellectual Property means all or any of the following:

trade marks and applications for registration of trade marks;

trade name(s), including Neuro Touch, Neuro Tools, Innate Neuro Guide and/or Neuro Touch practitioner;

patents and applications for patents, plant variety rights;

know-how, being technical and other information or experience or trade secrets

copyright in any written material, plans or other work

designs, whether or not registered or protected by copyright; and

any other intellectual property.

d) Obligation of confidence: The Contracting Practitioner shall hold and maintain all Confidential Information of

the Principal in strict confidence and as a trade secret.

e) Prohibited conduct: Except as necessary to carry out the Services and subject to clause <XX>, the Contracting

Practitioner shall not, without the Principal’s prior written consent:

i. use any Confidential Information of the Principal except within this Agreement; or

ii. disclose any Confidential Information of the Principal (or the existence of such Confidential Information) to

any third party except as necessary to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement.

f) Disclosure required by law: The Contracting Practitioner may disclose Confidential Information of the Principal

to the extent required by law or a Court of competent jurisdiction, provided that it notifies the Principal first

and provides the Principal with a reasonable opportunity to take any action it considers necessary prior to




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g) Obligations to safeguard and inform: The Contracting Practitioner shall:

i. effect and maintain adequate security measures to safeguard the Confidential Information of the Principal

from access or use by unauthorised persons, such measures meeting the standard of care reasonably

required to effectively safeguard the information; and

ii. immediately inform the Principal if it becomes aware of the possession, use or knowledge of the

Confidential Information of the Principal by any person not authorised to possess, use or have knowledge

of that Confidential Information.

h) Observance by third parties: The Contracting Practitioner shall ensure that any person to whom it discloses

Confidential Information of the Principal (including all permitted employees and independent contractors)

observes not less than the equivalent obligations of confidentiality as those contained in this Agreement.

i) Remedies in case of breach: The Contracting Practitioner acknowledges that an actual or threatened disclosure

or use of any Confidential Information in breach of this Agreement may cause the Principal irreparable harm

that is unable to be adequately compensated for by monetary damages.

In such circumstances the Principal may immediately terminate this Agreement without notice and may seek,

amongst other remedies, urgent injunctive relief from the Court.

a) Obligations to continue: This Agreement will continue to apply to any particular Confidential Information

following termination of this Agreement or any other agreement with the Principal which involves Confidential

Information, unless expressly excluded by reference, until such time as the Principal agrees in writing that the

Contracting Practitioner’s respective obligations under this clause in relation to such information will cease.

b) Media statements: The Contracting Practitioner shall not make any press release or other statement to the

media or on social media, concerning or relating to the Principal or any of the Principal’s client without

obtaining the prior written approval from the Principal as to the nature and content of such release or


9. Intellectual Property

a) Infringement: The Contracting Practitioner agrees:

not to cause or permit anything that may damage or endanger the Intellectual Property, or the Principal’s title

to, or authority to use (as applicable), such Intellectual Property;



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to notify the Principal of any suspected infringement of the Intellectual Property; to take such reasonable

action as the Principal may direct, at the reasonable expense of the Principal, in relation to such infringement;

to compensate the Principal for any use of the Intellectual Property by the Contracting Practitioner or any

person associated with the Contracting Practitioner or by any person through the instrumentality of the

Contracting Practitioner otherwise than in accordance with this Agreement; and not to use the Intellectual

Property otherwise than as permitted by this Agreement.

a) Ownership: The parties agree and acknowledge that each party shall:

retain ownership of their Intellectual Property created or existing at the Commencement Date of this

Agreement, and any Intellectual Property created during the term of this Agreement that does not relate to

this Agreement; and

not have any right or claim to the other party’s Intellectual Property whatsoever, except as expressly set out

within this Agreement.

b) Indemnity: The Contracting Practitioner shall defend, indemnify and hold the Principal harmless from any and

all liabilities, costs (including full costs between solicitor and client), claims and demands, made by any third

party, arising out of or incidental to an allegation that the Services, or any output from the Services,

misappropriates or infringes the third party"s intellectual property rights.

10. Privacy

a) Each party (Indemnifying Party) will comply with the Privacy Act 2020 as it applies to this Agreement and shall

indemnify all other parties in respect of liabilities, costs, expenses (including solicitor and client costs), claim

or demands which all other parties may suffer out of the Indemnifying Party breaching their obligations

pursuant to this clause.

11. Indemnity

a) The Contracting Practitioner shall indemnify the Principal in respect of all liabilities, costs (including full costs

between solicitor and client), expenses, claims, damages or demands incurred by the Principal or any third

party resulting from any acts or omissions of the Contracting Practitioner (including but not limited to any

employee or agent of the Contracting Practitioner), the Contracting Practitioner’s breach of this Agreement.



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14. Non-Complete and Non-Solicitation

a) The Contracting Practitioner agrees that neither the Contracting Practitioner nor its representative will solicit

services of the Principal, within the North Island area for a period of 12 months following termination or

expiry of this Agreement without the prior written consent by the Principal or identified as exempt in this


i. Directly or indirectly provide Services to, or engage in, conduct, carry on or be involved or interested in

any business that is in direct competition in any manner whatsoever with the business of the Principal,

where direct competition is considered to be the provision of specialised Neuro Touch Services, and

without fully disclosing such activities to the Principal; or

ii. Solicit or entice the business of any of the Principal’s business; or

iii. Solicit or entice any of the Principal's employees or representative or other contractors or

representatives to terminate their position, employment or relationship with the Principal (or the

Principal's Customer) other than as a result of normal client attraction or recruiting practices which are

not targeted at a particular individual(s).

iv. Interfere in any way with the relationship between the Principal and any person in the Principal’s network

(e.g. the customer), and/or supplier; and/or

i. Assist or encourage any person to do any of the things described in this clause, whether directly,

indirectly, whether alone or jointly with any other person, and in any capacity, including as a director,

shareholder, employee, manager, agent, consultant, contractor or financier.

a) The Contracting Practitioner acknowledges and agrees that the restraints are reasonable in its scope and

duration having regard to the interests of the Contracting Practitioner and the Principal, and goes no further

than is reasonably necessary to protect the interests and propriety of the Principal and its customers.

b) Each of the clauses above are:

i. Separate and severable;



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ii. Given for the benefit of the Principal; and

iii. Create obligation enforceable at the suit of the Principal.

a) The Contracting Practitioner agrees to pay the Principal the sum of NZ$10,000, as liquidated damages for

each breach of these restraint provisions, to be payable upon demand being made by the Principal

b) All products and resources are copyright and trademarked by Neuro Touch Ltd.

15. Training Costs

a)The Contracting Practitioner must hold a Certificate with Neuro Touch, that is revised every twelve (12) months

and additional training taken place when required by the Practitioner.

b)The Innate Neuro Guide full cost is NZ$6,000, due in full payment by <DATE> or at a payment scheduled

arrange for <DESCRIPTION>. This includes the full Innate Neuro Guide Theory and training days as per each

module, and full access to all Neuro Touch courses while contracting as a Contracting Practitioner.

c) The Principal and Contracting Practitioner may agree in writing whether any further training and certification

that the Contracting Practitioner shall complete and the Principal shall pay for ("Additional Training”), outside

of the Neuro Touch - Innate Guide Modules.

d)If the Contracting Practitioner is unable to repay the debt owed by the Due Date, the parties may enter into a

payment plan, and the outstanding amount shall incur interest at a rate of 5% per month, or part month

commencing from the Due Date.

e) The Contracting Practitioner shall be liable for any reasonable fees the Principal incurs in the recovery to the




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16. Dispute Resolution

a) In the event of a dispute arising out of the Agreement, either party may give written notice no later than

fourteen (14) days following the event/s giving rise to the dispute, to the other party specifying the nature of

the dispute, the remedy sought and requiring that the dispute or disagreement be determined and settled in

accordance with this clause.

b) On receipt of the notice, the parties shall each appoint a representative who has authority to determine the

grievance or dispute, and those two representatives shall meet as soon as reasonably possible to see if they

can determine the grievance. All discussions, meetings and correspondence between the two representatives

shall be deemed without prejudice and without concession of liability and shall not be used by either party in

any later proceedings unless both parties agree or agreement is reached but one party fails to honour the


c) If the two representatives cannot reach agreement within thirty (30) days of being appointed, either party may

refer the dispute to mediation. If the parties are unable to agree upon the person to be appointed as mediator,

then the President of the New Zealand Law Society shall be asked to appoint the mediator. The parties shall

attend, and participate in, the mediation in good faith to negotiate towards achieving a settlement of the


d) None of the parties may initiate any Court proceedings (with the exception of an application for injunctive

relief) in respect of any dispute under this License without first undertaking the processes set out in subclauses

a) to c) of this clause.

17. General Terms of Agreement

a) This Agreement is not assignable, nor shall the Services be contracted to another party, by the Contracting

Practitioner without the written consent of the Principal.

b) A party does not waive a right, power or remedy if it fails to exercise or delays in exercising the right, power

or remedy. A single or partial exercise of a right, power or remedy does not prevent another or further



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exercise of that of another right, power or remedy. A waiver of a right, power or remedy shall be in writing

and signed by the party giving the waiver.

c) If any term or provision of this Agreement is declared to be invalid or unenforceable such term and condition

shall be deemed to be deleted from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity or enforcement of other

terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.

d) All notices under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the addresses of the parties for

communication and notices (unless subsequently changed by written notice to the other) as specified in the


18. Force Majeure

a) The Contractor understands and agrees that this Agreement may end without notice, and without payment

of notice, if a natural disaster, workplace fire, disease/pandemic, flood, government action or other similar

major event beyond the Principal’s control and makes it impossible for the work to continue.

b) Where practicable, the Principal shall consult with the Contracting Practitioner before exercising this clause,

to explore alternative temporary work arrangements, including a variation to the terms of this Agreement.

The parties shall negotiate any such variation in good faith with the view of reaching a mutual agreement.

Where a mutual agreement cannot be achieved, the Principal is entitled to consider ending this Agreement

on the basis of Force Majeure, without notice, and without payment of notice.

c) Any variations to this Agreement made in response to a Force Majeure shall be recorded in writing and

signed by the Parties in order for the agreed terms to take effect.

19. Entire Agreement



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a) It is agreed by both parties that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and

supersedes any and all previous agreements and understandings.

b) Any variation of this Agreement must be agreed and signed by both parties in writing.

20. Execution

Signed on behalf of the Contracting Practitioner:

Practitioner Name Date Signed



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Signed on behalf of the Principal:

Paige West Date Signed

Schedule A: Description of Services

a) The Principal is responsible for:

i. Providing a safe and appropriate premises for the Contracting Practitioner to execute the services.



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ii. Provide a system for the smooth and easy booking of clients.

iii. Assist with the referral of clients to the Contracting Practitioner by undertaking client bookings on the

Contracting Practitioner's behalf and/or conducting marketing initiatives and promotional activities.

iv. Provide appropriate client terms and conditions, privacy statements and any required legal

documentation to support the professional delivery of the services required.

v. Provide fortnightly meetings with the Contracting Practitioner, monthly team meetings and two (2) team in

person meetings every twelve (12) months - all scheduled twelve (12) months in advance.

vi. Providing resources under marketing, testing kits, products and other requirements as part of the Neuro

Touch brand.

b) The duties of the Contracting Practitioner:

i. Conduct services in a manner that aligns with the Principal’s interests, including the proper security of the

premises and personal safety when working with patients.

ii. Ensure privacy of clients.

iii. Care of office and lock up when required.

iv. Conduct a respectful treatment in line with the Principal’s values and manner required of a health


v. Allow availability of hours according to Schedule B.

vi. Must be available for and participate in marketing and promotional activities of the Principal when required.

vii.Practice in alternatives medicines, and new training that may be required upon agreement between the

Contracting Practitioner and Principal.

viii.Be responsible for booking follow up appointments and condition of treatment and clients, as well as,

client notes.

ix. Referral of clients to other Neuro Touch services and selling of products available.

c) How both Parties will work together:



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i. A meeting will be held each fortnight, at an agreed time and date, and is to be conducted by video chat or

in-person; and

ii. At each fortnightly meeting, the parties shall confirm the forthcoming fortnight's bookings and hours of

availability, and review re-bookings and any issues.

iii. For the parties to communicate changes, amendments or other requirements needed by either party to

ensure the smooth running of the Principal’s business.

iv. The parties shall commit to open and proactive communication for any matters that arise and require

discussion and cannot wait until the next fortnightly meeting.

Schedule B: Payments and Time Worked of Services

a) The Principal shall pay the Contracting Practitioner on the following basis:

i. NZ$30 per hour (including GST) for all client hours worked by the Contractor from start date till twelve (12)

month reviewal of payment.

ii. The Contracting Practitioner shall be available to conduct work for a minimum number of hours per quarter

("the quarterly hours") as set out in the table below. These hours must be worked over four (4) days per

month, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5.00 p.m. Actual days to be worked shall be mutually agreed

between the parties upon the signing of this Agreement:

April - June: 24 client hours of availability

June - September: 24 client hours of availability

October - December: 24 client hours of availability

January - March: 24 client hours of availability

i. The Principal may at their sole discretion, direct the Contracting Practitioner to vary or change the days the

work is conducted with a minimum of one week's written notice. Any such variations shall be done in prior



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“Our ambition is to build an inspirational adventure for you to live your best life”

consultation with the Contracting Practitioner. For the avoidance of doubt, the Principal does not require

the Practitioner to agree.

ii. Where the Contracting Practitioner is unable to work the agreed quarterly hours, the Principal shall be

entitled to consider, at their sole discretion, the following actions:

1. Carrying the unworked hours into the next quarter.

2. Writing off the unworked hours and taking no further action.

3. Terminating this Agreement in accordance with this Agreement.

i. Where the Principal is unable to provide sufficient client bookings equivalent to the quarterly hours, the

Principal shall, at their sole discretion, be entitled to:

1. Consider redeploying the Contracting Practitioner to assist with non-chargeable business activities

(i.e. marketing and promotion, administration).

2. Pay the Contracting Practitioner for the time not worked but the Practitioner was available to work.

3. Carrying the unworked hours over into the next quarter.

i. The quarterly hours provided shall be reviewed every six (6) months and may be varied by the Principal in

response to business needs.

ii. The Practitioner bill the Principal NZ$0.76 per kilometre travelled when required by the Contracting

Practitioner and approved by Principal before travel takes place. For example, when travelling to a client’s

house who is unable to travel to the clinic.

i. Should the Contracting Practitioner fail to provide an invoice by the first of the following month, then

payment will be withheld until the invoice is received and paid the next calendar month.

i. Payments shall be made into the Contracting Practitioner’s bank account and account name as detailed on

the monthly invoice, with IRD number included.



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“Our ambition is to build an inspirational adventure for you to live your best life”

ii. The Contracting Practitioner shall submit time logs on a monthly basis to the Principal using the Principal’s

time logging app – Cliniko.

iii. Facilities and Equipment:

1. The Contracting Practitioner is expected to supply their own computer that is compatible with the

the Principal’s systems (Cliniko, and New Zenler).

2. The Contracting Practitioner is expected to supply their own mobile phone, recording device, and

any other required and necessary equipment to enable the Contracting Practitioner to complete the

Services for the Principal.

i. Entities Excluded from Restraint of Trade and Non-Solicitation Clause.

Practitioner Information:


Contact Number:

Contact Email:


Account Details:

Health Concerns:



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“Our ambition is to build an inspirational adventure for you to live your best life”

Next of Kin Details:



Contact Number:

Payment Schedule + Commission Plans

Each of the following included in Invoice to Neuro Touch:

1. 10% commission on Supplements sold.

2. 10% commission on Essential Oil blends sold.

3. 10% commission on referrals to online courses.

4. 25% commission on Crystals sold.

Resources Of Neuro Touch:



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“Our ambition is to build an inspirational adventure for you to live your best life”

Resources for Covid 19:

* the following is to be the Contracting Practitioners responsibility on compliance, any non-compliance

penalties enforced by the law are to be at the Contracting Practitioners expense. Neuro Touch guidelines

above, follow the following laws, mandates, orders and legislations*

1. Covid-19 Response (Vaccinations) Legislation Act 2021

2. Covid-19 Public Health Response Amendment Act 2021

3. Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021

4. Covid-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Amendment Order (No3) 2021

5. Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020

* insert sales and purchase agreement from Mel’s work and privacy form*